On Monday 14 February 2005 02:11 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
> On Monday 14 February 2005 10:03, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Some of you will remember Femme Fatale.  She asks me to pass on to
> > you a url for a distro based on Damn Small Linux which is dedicated
> > to Go.  The description says
> >
> > 'Welcome to Hikarunix, the only operating system dedicated to Go.
> > This CD was designed especially for Go players of all levels. Whether
> > you've been playing for decades or have never heard of the game until
> > now, this CD is for you.'
> >
> > If it is of interest to you, go to http://www.hikarunix.org/
> >
> > Anne
> Downloading now. I don't play Go but this live cd may introduce some Go
> players to Linux :-)
> Yes I remember Femme *blush* . I like to give her a virtual hug!
Anyone know how Femnme is doing?
>     -Frans

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