On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Will Downs wrote:

> I just finished installing Mandrake 6.1, I'm having difficutly getting my sound
> card to work.
> I have a Soundblaster Awe 32 (IRQ 5, IO 220, DMA 1 and 5, MPU 330 under DOS)
> My PC is a P266, 96mb of RAM.
> Kernel 2.2.13-7mdk
> When I run the Sound Configuration Utility 0.34, I get the following error.
> The utility does recongnized my sound card as Creative SB32 PNP,

Thats because it's numbers don't match anything
They need submited to Redhat for inclusion in sndconfig.

Send the /etc/isapnp.conf, and i will add it for lothar
> ___________________
> The following error occurred running the isapnp program:
> Don't know what to do with CONFIGURE CTL0044/269315976
> (LD 2 on or around line 352
> /etc/isapnp.conf:352 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing config file --- no
> action taken.

Whats line 353 say? This will tell you what specific portion isn't
initilizing (funcion 2 here is wavetable, i'd just comment it out
personaly i only need basic audio)

> ___________________
> I'm then forced to config the sound driver manually, I select Sound Blaster
> AWE32/64. Then  enter the windows setting for the sound card. 
> I then get the following error...
> ___________________
> The following error occurred running the isapnp program:
> Don't know what to do with CONFIGURE CTL0044/269315976
> (LD 2 on or around line 752
> /etc/isapnp.conf:752 -- Fatal - Error occurred parsing config file --- no
> action taken.

Um, at this point i would delete isapnp.conf and start fresh as its just
appended the new onto the old(which seems fixed at this point) or edit the
new stuff out.

grep pnpdump.c /etc/isapnp.conf |wc -l
if this says two or more it really has appended 

> _________________
> When the system boots I get the following error...
> Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (c) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
> sb: dsp reset failed
> YM3812 and OPL-3 driver Copyright (c) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
> OPL3 not detected off.

get the .conf fixed and then we can worry wether you need init it from dos

> Does anybody have an Idea what the problem could be, I have read the
> sound-HOWTO and re-compiled the kernel with sound support.

Just a lil note, if you've customized your kernel your not running
"2.2.13-7mdk" your running a derivative ;)


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