Dave Williams ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>  I recently did a full install of M10.1 onto a blank hard disk.  This
> is the first time I've run 10.1; it's *much* faster than 10.0 Official.
>  Everything looks good, except whenever I fire up vi, I get the
> following message:
> >E575: viminfo: Illegal starting char in line: ^V4516^@
> >Hit ENTER or type command to continue
>  I get the same message when I use shift-ZZ to exit.
>  This happens in a konsole in KDE, and it also happens if I use
> ctrl-alt-F1 and log into a pty session.  vi seems to *work* okay, it
> just gives me this odd message.
>  Where should I look for a problem?
Hi Dave,
I am not a vim guru but have been using it (a year)
and still RTFM, but typing :help E575 led me to doc/starting.txt
file and this:
"When Vim detects an error while reading a viminfo file, it will not
overwrite that file. If there are more than 10 errors, Vim stops
reading the viminfo file. This was done to avoid accidentally
destroying a file when the file name of the viminfo file is wrong.
This could happen when accidentally typing "vim -i file" when you
wanted "vim -R file" (yes, somebody accidentally did that!). If you
want to overwrite a viminfo file with an error in it, you will
either have to fix the error, or delete the file (while Vim is
running, so most of the information will be restored)."

Guessing at a solution:
1. you could try the above method to restore the file.
2. you could *mv* the file to rename it and let vim create another
3. Did you update your new 10.1 install ? there was a security
fix for vim. or remove vim and re-install it ..

or try the mailing list at
http://www.vim.org/community.php or the archive

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The most beautiful thing we can experience is the
mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all
science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no
longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as
dead: his eyes are closed.  --Albert Einstein

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