On Tue, 23 Nov 1999,Benjamin wrote:
  | Dear friends:
  | I am still unclear about certain things having to do with creating a
  | /home partition.
  | 1) I will create a / directory of 3 gig, a swap file of 128 meg and a
  | /home directory with the rest (I have a 4.3 gig drive) using DiskDruid.
  | I will call / hda1, but what do I call my /home directory? That is, what
  | is the basis for naming it hda4 or hda5, etc.? That is, what does the
  | number 4 in hda4 stand for? A sector? If so, how do I decide what to
  | name it?

You do not assign the partition numbers unless you create them using
PartitionMagic or similar software. hda1 is the first partition on the first
HD. hda2 is the second partition on the first HD etc., and hdb1 would be the
first partition on the second HD. In hda1 hd = Hard Disk, a = Hard Disk letter
(first physical hard disk), 1 = partition number (first partition).

If you use Disk Druid, you will set up the partitions on the HD, as well as
specifying the mount point, partition size etc., and if I understand Disk druid
correctly, it will set up the partitions in the order you specify - for
example, if you set up / first, I think it will be the first partition etc.,
but I am not sure of this.

If you have PartitionMagic, create the partitions in the order you want them
(remember to create the swap partition with the file type "Linux Swap"), then
use Disk Druid to assign mount points (/, /home etc.). This is how I did mine,
and all worked well for me.

  | 2) If I create a /home directory with the remaining disk space, won't
  | root, that is, / create a /home directory automatically WITHIN its 3 gig
  | partition?

No. The ext2 file system will combine all your partitions into one "tree", as
if all the folders on the system were on a single partition, while in fact
they are spread across any number of partitions. That is why you must specify a
mount point - to let the system know where on the file system tree to place the
contents of each partition. So / (root) will point to hda1, /home will point to
hda2, etc.

One caution, if you decide to have a partition which will be mounted
under a folder of your own naming (not in the default filesystem - like
/storage, or /downloads), go ahead and create the partition, but do not specify
a mount point for it. If you do, you'll get an error during install. To set up
such a partition for use, you create the folder after instalation, and mount the
partition using "mount -t ext2 /folder-name" (no quotes - folder-name = the name
of the folder you created for a mount point). Then if you shut down with the
partition still mounted, it will be mounted at start-up each time you turn your
system on, at least this is my experience on my system (L-M 6.1).

  | 3) Is there a way to indicate a relative value for /home? That is, after
  | creating hda1 (3 gig) and a 128 meg swap file, is there a way for me to
  | indicate that I want the remaining space allocated to /home, that is
  | without indicating a SPECIFIC value, just to say: /home (hda4 or hda5)
  | will have the REMAINING space on hard drive hda, just as you do when
  | select 1 and grow and then your entire HD is automatically assigned to
  | your basic /  directory?

Yes. In Disk Druid, use an arbitrary partition size such as 1 gig, then check
the "growable" check-box, just as you did in the installation when you set up
only one partition for /. Be sure to keep the "growable" check-box un-checked
for the / partition.

Also, I would recomend that you set up the swap partition last - don't ask
why, it just seems better that way to me - maybe because it seems more orderly
to have all my data partitions together, and my swap partition trailing along

One note on the swap partition, if you decide that you want more that 128 Meg
for swap space, you can set up several swap partitions, but Linux will not use
more than 128 Meg on any one swap partition, so if you want for example, 256
Meg for swap space, set up two 128 Meg swap partitions, etc.

  | Appreciate your help and look forward to your answers.
  | Thank you.
  | Benjamin
  | -- 
  | Benjamin and Anna Sher
  | Sher's Russian Web
  | http://www.websher.net

The measure of a man is in his honor ...

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