On Wednesday 09 March 2005 11:22 am, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> other=/dev/hda10
>      lable="Suse92"
> When you pick this option, it will transfere control over to the new
> version of lilo.

I tried it first, but lilo complained about 'no root partition found'

> The way you have it set up, if you update the kernel in Suse, you then
> have to boot Mandrake, update /etc/lilo.conf, and run lilo before you
> can boot the new kernel in Suse. Also, if you want to have more then one
> kernel in Suse, you will have to add the entries in the Mandrake copy of
> lilo.conf, and run lilo from Mandrake. Also, if you wipe out the boot
> partition in Mandrake, you will not be able to boot Suse from the hard
> drive.

Ah interesting, no wonder when I update my Suse kernel with Yast Online 
Update, it gave me lots of error when rebooting about can't 
find /lib/modules..

Many thanks Mikkel :) I hope Mdk10.2 will be much better than Suse92.
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | http://linux2.arinet.org
11:34:35 up 3:17, Mandrakelinux release 10.1 (Official) for i586 
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