On Wed, 24 Nov 1999,David Loke wrote:
  | Hi,
  | I read on Linux Mandrake website that its possible to get files from my
  | windoze partition from Linux . How can I do that? I am not able to see my
  | windoze directories from Linux file manager. What kind of software should I
  | use?
  | Rgds

You must have dosemu installed I think - not sure of that but I do. Then you
mount the desired partition (on the same machine in my case) with:

        mount -t vfat /dev/hd#$ /FolderName

where # = HD letter as a-1, b-2 etc., $ = partition number as 1-first
partition, 2-second partition etc. and FolderName is the folder you wish to
mount the partition under. Then xfm will "see" the partition you have mounted.



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