The Yahoo protocol problem is fixed in 0.8.4 but KDE 3.2 only comes
with kopete 0.8.3 and nobody has done an RMP for KDE 3.2 yet that I
can find ..

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 06:32:03 -0500, Dan Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On March 31, 2005 06:04 am, WauloK wrote:
> > If I wish to install RPMs not in the standard MDK update sites, I
> > guess I need the version written for my specific KDE version ? (3.2
> > which comes with 10.1).
> >
> > I probably could not install:
> > kdenetwork-kopete-3.4.0-4.mdk10.2.thac.i586.rpm
> >
> > I want the latest version of kopete, but cannot find one for 3.2 ..
> > only this one for 3.4
> No,  This would want to install other things from kde 3.4,  probably a
> whole lot of other things.
> Regards,
> Dan Gordon
> --
> Thu Mar 31 06:27:30 EST 2005
>  06:27:30 up 17:00,  1 user,  load average: 0.06, 0.09, 0.03
> In vino veritas.
>         [In wine there is truth.]
>                 -- Pliny
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