On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, Ger-Bil Jinn wrote:

> Hello,
>         I'm a newbie to this list, and obvious Linux. So before I make
> a complete fool out of myself, what are the general rules and
> guidelines to this list? (besides the general no-flaming and
> no-spamming)

What, you mean people don't flame on these lists???  Just kidding. :)  
The most common thing people do that they shouldn't is probably asking
questions that have already been answered repeatedly.  There is, quite
conveniently, a searchable archive of the mailing list at
linux-mandrake.com, so if you have a question it's generally best to look
for the answer there before asking it on the list.  There are no set
"rules" that I know of, just common sense polite behavior. :)


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