I've recently installed linux mandrake with kernel v 2.2.13 - 4mdk.
I've reinstalled a couple of times to get the hang of it before the hard disk
gets full of sensitive data and feel confident with that. 
    The problem is that I tried to update from the UK mirror and it first
downloaded the files before announcing that there was an error retrieving the
file. This happened with e2fsprogsv1.18, initscripts v4.23, kernel
v2.2.13mdkand the pcmia file(which incidently I don't beleive I require as my
system has no pcmcia devices). 

Could it be related to the fact that I first tried to download e2fsprog on its
own (because I wanted to test connection speed before committing to a download
of the larger files) which I cancelled after 5min as it seemed an excessively
long download time for such  a small file. I rebooted after the update program
froze but without any luck. I can't get it to successfully download anymore.

Thanks for reading this long and simple problem. Thankyou especially if you
deem it worthy of a reply (and a thousand thankyous if you actually do reply:)

yours sincerely,

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