On Sat, 27 Nov 1999 12:20:51 +0000, you wrote:

>A friend wants to build a linux box using either a single or twin Celeron. As I
>use AMDs I dont know much re Intel.
>He is thinking about ABIT boards either:
>ABIT BP6 i440BX Dual Socket 370 ATX

A fair to middlin board from all that I have heard about it.  Its an
inexpensive route to go if you want a dual processor board for celeron
chips.  In fact...the ONLY dual cpu board for the celeron that I know


This one is ok..quality wise..and should work good with linux.

>Has anyone used either of these?

The BP6 I have had a little experience with.   Not in the context of a
linux box though.  Used solely in Windoze boxes.  But its an excellent
choice especially if you want to do some heavy overclocking (if you
are into that)   Heard of the 333's up to the 400's being overclocked
as high as 600 on that board   Takes some serious cooling though.
A standard cpu blower taint gonna work.  Seen some boxes with
mini-refridgerator units built into them.   Now THATS serious cooling

But seriously...for either board, they are better than alot, no worse
than others and worsethan a few.   So your friend will most likely do
ok with either of them.

>Many thanks
>John the Nadger

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