On Sat, 27 Nov 1999,Chris Hanning wrote:
  | Hi, I'm a newbie - my first mail was sent a few hours ago and I see
  | Ive signed it root, e-mail : hostname etc
  | Well, the problem with downloading the kernel update has me puzzled
  | quite frankly.  I tried another ftp and it didn't skip me with an
  | error message but it DID use a local file because it never downloaded
  | 6MB in 10 seconds via my 28.8 modem??
  |   I took note of the lilo.conf manual update warning and guessed that
  | it required the line to be retyped *22mdk from the previous *4mdk.
  | The new files are in theboot dir along with the old ones but it
  | continues to boot vmlinuz-2.2.13-4mdk.   
  |   Could somebody please explain what I need to do here - I noted
  | Richard T Waters posting where he leaves an option to load either -
  | this may be useful for future hardware compatibility issues.
  |  My apologies are proffered to those bored by my astounding ignorance
  | in matters linux; It is stable and so far the problems like sndconfig
  | etc have been more stimulating than w95-frustrating.
  |   cheers Chris Hanning

The solution to your problem is to run "lilo" from a command prompt as the
"root" user. This will update the MBR. LILO uses the /etc/lilo.conf file as a
script to write the boot loader. This gives you some ability to control how
LILO works with your system, and how Linux is loaded, including which OS (if
you choose to dual-boot) is the default, and which kernel is used (if you have
more that one installed). To get more information on the use of LILO, try "man
lilo" form a command line, or look in the HOW-TO's. Note that all command line
commands are wrapped in quotes here. Do not use the quotes when entering the
commands on the command line.



The measure of a man is in his honor ...

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