On Wed, 01 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Seung-woo Nam wrote:
> Dear friends:
> How many messages like the one below will it take for Linux distros to
> at last include sound configuration as part of the regular Install?
> Is this request unreasonable? In my opinion, it's plain common sense and
> needs no justification.
> Thanks for listening.
> Benjamin

    I can't agree Ben.  Linux users should expect to have to roll
up their sleeves and start getting intimate with their system's
hardware, even before they attempt their first install.  What
better way than to have one of the first things to do post install,
than something as simple a setting up their sound card?

   IMO, to expect Linux to be (backwards) compatible right out of
the box with everything and everyone  ... is to wish it were just
another M$ Windows product. Then you'd also have to expect all the
problems and bloat we seen with tryin to be all things to all

    I also think it's like 'lookin a gift horse in the mouth' to
complain about Linux not being current with all the hardware.  As
long as the people involved are developing the OS on a 'pro bono'
basis, things like hardware support just aren't gonna happen till
the hardware's already been released and in general use, and even
then, not without the support of the manufacturers.
..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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