Dear Axalon:

You did it!

In StarOffice, as you suggested, I did the following:
Do this,
File->New->Text document

type blah

yes to save, file name is blah, Ok

File-># (it's 1 if you've fresh install)
type "blah blah", so now you have three blahs

yes to save

Now look in backup/
And blah.bak is there!!!

Question: Do I then first have to save the file, then reopen it and save
it again? Is that the standard way of creating a backup?

Anyway, that's the way it seems to work. I just changed the paths from
the default to /home/sher/docs for both save and backup. Works
perfectly. Saved a few lines under a name. Reopened added a few words.
Saved again. Bingo: the file and .bak appear next to each other. Here is
the data. Look for yoke.sdw and yoke.bak below:

[sher@adsl-77-232-87 sher]$ cd docs
[sher@adsl-77-232-87 docs]$ ls 
anna      extra     inferno      linux    plays     shklov~1  wentzell
ascii     faina     inferno.bak  marshak  poetry    svezho    wizard
benjamin  fiction   inv          natasha  reviews   tech     
yahoo-edu.doc commerce  freeware  ladycat     old      rus      
temp      yale data      friends   let-in       others   russmark 
vaginov   yoke.bak dostov    general   let-out      pdf      scholar  
websher   yoke.sdw [sher@adsl-77-232-87 docs]$    

I guess this does make sense, after all. StarOffice cannot create an
automatic backup until the file has already been given a name. In WP8,
though, you can create a BK! file the first time you save a file. 

Just curious if this is the way StarOffice creates a backup for others.
Let me know, please. 

My thanks to Axalon and everyone else for helping me solve this
mysterious problem so I can finally get back to work and enjoy using


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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