Dear John:

Thanks a million! At last, that dreadful error message is gone! I've
been seeing this error message ever since I switched to Linux early this
year. I won't say that it has driven me crazy. Not really. But it has
made me feel very uneasy, anxious just as the message about "You have
new mail" does (which I understand is another meaningless error message
generated by Pine in Linux). Look at it from a newbie's point of view:
Don't you agree that it would be wonderful if Mandrake, the
user-friendly distro (and, as someone who is very pleased with Mandrake,
I mean that sincerely), eliminated that anxiety-inducing error message.
If it were a real error message, that would be one thing. But it if is
an obvious bug, why not remove it in the next version and make a
newbie's life a little less difficult than it already is.

Thank you again.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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