On Tue, 07 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> I recently found Macmillan Mandrake Secure Server version of Red Hat 6.0 at Staples 
>office Supplies.  Emphasis on the "Secure Server" aspect as I hope to learn how to do 
>some e-commerce with it.  Though I couldn't get it at the time I went back later but 
>they pulled it off the shelf and said they were returning it to the vendor.  They 
>couldn't tell me if the Secure Server edition was discontinued or if they were just 
>getting ready to recieve an upgraded version.  I hope there is an upgrade. Maybe it's 
>to Red Hat 6.1.  I don't know.   I was hoping you could inform me on the status of 
>the Secure Server Version.  Maybe you can guide me to the best solution for a newbie 
>to enter into e-commerce with Linux.  I'd appreciate it.  Thanks a million, Keith 

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Mandrake is NOT RedHat. Despite what it says on the box.
:-) There *is* a "secure server" version of Mandrake, but
the only people who sell it, afaik, are MacMillan Software.
You might check and ask your local software store if they
can special order it, if they don't carry it. Or, you can
purchase it directly on the web. Go to
http://www.macmillansoftware.com and click on the
"operating systems" link on the right side of the page.
Then select "linux" from the middle of the page that pops
up and finally click on "Mandrake Linux 6.0 Secure Server
I know they are publishing the secure server edition of 6.1
(which they call version 6.5 -- go figure! <G>) but I can't
seem to find that on their web site. Their switchboard
number is 800-545-5914. I'm sure if you called 'em up and
asked for the sales department and told them you want
Mandrake 6.5 secure server edition.

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