Kit....ok.  Let's say you're at your desktop (xsession).

 1. press ctl-alt f2 to get to a console
 2. sign in as root
 3. at the console prompt type setup
 4. with the color bar highlight Authentication Configuration (**)
 5. with the tab key highlight Run Tool
 6. press the spacebar to activate Run Tool
 7. using the spacebar remove the asterisk from in front of Enable NIS
 8. using the tab key highlight OK
 9. press the spacebar to activate OK
10. using the tab key highlight Quit
11. press the spacebar to activate Quit and exit setup
12. at the console prompt type exit
13. at the console prompt press ctl-alt f7 to get back to your xsession
(**I oops'ed on the first answer)


Kit wrote:
> How do I run SETUP, exactly?  Do you mean linuxconfig?
> if so, how do I turn it forgetting I'm a NEWBIE?
> LOL...hehehe
> On 9 Dec 99, at 7:46, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> > setup as root and choose 'System Services'.
> >
> > Alan
> >
> >
> > Kit wrote:
> > >
> > > somehow, upon install...I inadvertently setup a NIS
> > > service...thinking I needed this to run a server.
> > > When I logoff...I've noticed that it doesn't shutdown...and
> > > therefore, I'm thinking that maybe this is the reason my modem says
> > > it's BUSY all the time...and I can't setup my modem.
> > >
> > > How do I turn off this NIS service....?
> > >
> > > <==================Kit======================>
> > > ICQ#:  7110071
> > > HomePage:
> > > Personal Server:
> > > <==================Kit======================>
> >
> <==================Kit======================>
> ICQ#:  7110071
> HomePage:
> Personal Server:
> <==================Kit======================>

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