Re: OT - uptime:


  Well, I'm one who always shuts the box down when
I'm done.  There are times, when I have rushed off and
left it going, but not all that often.

 Did you ever wonder just how many start-up/reboots there is the
life of one's computer?  hehe.

Yes, this may be off topic, but I find this topic interesting.



----- Original Message -----
From: David van Balen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Richard Yevchak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: December 10, 1999 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT - uptime

> On Thu, 9 Dec 1999, Richard Yevchak wrote:
> > I know this is off topic(at least some what), if you disprove
don't respond and
> > I'll get the hint. But, I am really curious about how many of you
leave your
> > personal systems running all the time.  I shutdown everynight.
I've heard the
> > system isn't designed to be shutdown everynight.  If you leave
your system
> > running, do you turn your monitor off at night or just leave it
on.   If you
> > leave it on all the time, how often do you reset your computer
(how do you
> > decide when)?
> >
> > Richard
> >
> Maybe off topic, I don't know. I'll respond anyway cuz I find the
> interesting.
> I tend to leave mine on all the time. When you turn your computer on
> off, the hardware heats up and cools down (expands and contracts).
> can make them break faster.
> I usually turn off my monitor at night but that's mostly because the
> screen saver is annoying when you're trying to sleep. I haven't done
> research on the subject, but I suspect turning the monitor off may
be a
> good idea anyway... correct me if I'm wrong.
> DvB

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