On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> I tried this very carefully but it did not solve the problem.
> I imagine the answer is quite simple but I do not have it yet.
> I have numbers in the password is that a problem?
> I know the password for the administrator rights but I do not recall
> creating a user name for it, what is the user name for the administrator
> rights?
"root" (minus quotes, of course.) root is ALWAYS your first
user created (when it asks for a password, but no
username.) Once you log into Linux as "root" you can run
the script "adduser" (or useradd -- adduser is a sym-link
to adduser) and create a new non-priveleged user or run
"passwd <username>" (minus quotes) to change the password
on the non-priveleged user.

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