Earlier, I sent a msg to [EMAIL PROTECTED] scolding them for not having
anything L-M specific to add to the discussions, and my mail was
returned, but the address is the same as the one sent to the list.
Okay, maybe it's not my place to delegate, but it irks me when I'm
reading thru 60+ e'mails and then these guys put in something not even

(Mandatory) Linux content:
      A previous post mentioned tweaking the TTL, MSS, MTU, RWIN
settings in the windoze registry...  besides that,  what files in Linux
should I familiarize myself with to adjust other settings like
MinTimeSlice, ComBoostTime, KeyBoostTime, TrapTimerPorts, Vcache,
etc...?  I'm really not sure what to do to get my L-M system optimized
as it's not running as speedy as windows was b4 I trashed it.  I was
thinking since Linux wasn't such a resource hog, that I could have my
48mb/P133  sys running faster than windows.  So far, it has been more
stable, just not as fast.  My swap is set at 96mb and is used only in
small amounts.  I think that somewhere, resources are going to things
I'm rarely, if ever using.  Any tips to bump up the speed of my system,
i.e. , disabling services not used by a common desktop?  Others?  There
has to be something I can do to minimally but noticibly increase my PC's
speed (besides adding more RAM/HD and a new CPU, for now).  Any help
greatly appreciated

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