i have a small lan, consisting of win98 computers and a Mandrake  60.
I am trying to get POP3 services working on Mandrake.  When i telnet to
port 110 of  the  linux box. I get  "Connection closed by foriegn host."

I can telnet and ftp with out any trouble.  I have the ip address in
and the /etc/host.deny is empty except for comments.   In
/etc/inetd.conf  I
have this line "pop-3     stream   tcp    nowait    root
/usr/sbin/tcpd    ipop3d".
in /etc/sevices i have this lines        "pop-3     110/tcp"   and
"pop-3    110/udp".
any of you guys have any idea. what can be going on or know where i
might find
information whats going on?


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