Hernandez Redondo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>i,ve seen many problems similar to mine. I've
>installed RedHat 6.0, and it
>erased Win98 FAT. I thought that was my fault, but
>i've seen many
>complains, not only in this news group about that
>thing. Did anyone know
>somyhing about it?
>On the other hand, i've got a problem with RedHat. It
>is extremely
>unestable. Sometimes the X crashes. The sreen gets
>full of vertical lines,
>and the system get hangs. Someone know what is
>Thanks a lot,
>Jesus Angel
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When you installed RedHat, did you try to manually set your partitions. If not, the 
installation software probably erased all that was on your harddrive and made it one 
big ext2 partition to install linux on.  If this is the case, then format your 
harddrive and reinstall win98. Once you do that you can get software like partion 
magic and resisize you win98 partition, or you can reformat the harddrive and use 
fdisk to make a smaller FAT partion and reinstall win98 on that partition. Once you do 
this, reinstall linux, but go into custom and set up your partitions manually. Make 
sure you do not set the win98 partition to be formatted when the ext2 partitions are 
formatted. As for setting up your partions I suggest the following for the beginer:
/boot  =  15M
swap = 100M
/  =  whatever is left over.
Now this is a very simple and not very secure setup. I suggest that you look over the 
Howtos on how to setup your partitions manually. And also the howtos on multiple OS 
systems (ie.. win98/linux). These can all be found online at the Linux Documentation 
Project. (LDP) and you may be able to find them on your distribution's CD. This will 
point you in the right direction. Also make sure that you lable your win 98 partition 
like /win98 or /mount/win98, something like that when you manually set your 
partitions, otherwise your linux won't read the win98 partition, and you'll have to go 
back and change  some other files afterwards to get to work. Just a timesaver is all.
As for your second problem, Redhat's 6.0 and up distributions have been somewhat 
unstable and need some fine tuning and tweaking by the individual before they 
stabilize. Hopefully RedHat will get over themselves and fix this in the future. Until 
then you will just have to go through each bug individually to get them fixed. Or, you 
can change to Mandrake 6.1 which is much more stable.
Good Luck,

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