Dear friends:

May I ask for your help in writing a very simple shell script for the
Print function.

I have been using a lovely text editor called Cooledit for quite some
time. It's a programmer's editor but can also be used for any editing.
It is color coded so it's especially great when editing configuration
files. The only thing that's missing from it is a Print function. I
wrote to the author, who advised me to do the best I can or get
someone's help in writing the shell script. I guess he didn't want to be
bothered. Well, I clicked on Scripts, New Scripts, then was asked for
for the name of the script, the menu item (no big deal here -- just
typed "Print" in both cases), then hotkey (typed P). Now the biggie: I
am asked for the argument. First, I don't know whether I can use Print
as user or as root. Secondly, I tried to put "lpr" in it and then
"etc/rc.d/init.d/start lp0". That didn't work, either. What argument
would I use that would allow me to click on Print and have it print out
any file I wish? And as user, if possible?

Thanks so very much.


If you are at all interested in trying out Cooledit for yourself, you
can get it from:

(It's available as an rpm)

Check the screenshots and you'll see why I like using it.

If you do decide to use it, you need to know the following:

After installing Cooledit, whenever you log into KDE, you see a 
message from Cooledit for another program called Coolicons. To get rid
of this message, you need to go to /etc/X11/xinit. First, delete the
pre-coolicon file, then open xinitrc and delete the section that has to
do with coolicon.

Thank you all so much.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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