 Just wondering .. if the next kernel release 
might / will have any support for 
ATA/UDMA-66 Controllers, (the most common ones 
.. anyway) built in, so no extra patching / 
compileing and etc, would be needed?

 What about Mandrake's next build,
of a new kernel release .. will it have
any support for ATA-66 Controllers?

 It would be nice, to see Mandrake
and other Linux types, atleast understand
that the hard drives are connected to such
a device. I understand that some extra info
would most likly or still have to be provided, 
but it be a lot nicer if one could just do so, at
install time and be done with it .. would it not?  

[ Off topic .. or sort of. ]

I was talking to a friend today, who said:

" I'm not going to install Linux, until it  
better supports devices and installs them, 
seems to me you had to look all over the net, 
just to find info on how to install your sound card, 
hard drive Controller, Video card and whatever else. 
Isn't that right? .. jeese and look at the work involved!" 

 I had to admit that it took me a long time to find
all the stuff I needed and to download it .. etc, etc. 
We talked about it and I tried to explain why.  
He just laughed and said .. "Windoze always 
seems to have some kinda driver that will work 
in most cases.  I'll wait until Linux grows up ". 

 I had to laugh when he said .. " Next time I'm
on the net, I'll send you a link to some of them
HOW-DOs, so you can spend days reading them ".

That is not a typo .. he said howdo and 
not howto.  Hee Hee.
All the best!



" It is now safe to shutdown your computer
_  or is it ... HaHaHaaaaaa ?! "

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