On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, nestar wrote:
  |  Hello
  |  I setup my sound and i clearly hearing sound from linux.
  |  so i going to setup system sound, I set system sound for "logout""logout
  |  message" "close windows" and also i test sound for all this system.
  |  my testing sound is ok but when i login and logout i didn't hear any sound
  |  from linux. please help how can i hear sound from linux ?
  |  how can i add sound icon in my status bar ?
  |  please reply.
  |  satyajit

If you are using KDE, make sure you have checked the "Enable Sound" check box
in the system sounds configuration window (then the "OK" button at the bottom).
Also you may need to adjust the sound level using the Sound Mixer Panel which
can be found in the Multimedia Menu item of the "K" menu. If you are using
Gnome, I am afraid I can be of no help as I am not using it.

I hope this is of some help,


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