Bigger question, what makes a cable modem activated via 
> LINUXdifferent than through Windows that the cable company can't 
> accommodateyou?  I don't have one and so ask out of ignorance.

I answer out of ignorance...  I think they aren't sure, and Linux to
many people is this esoteric, radical OS; they *think* it won't work,
know nothing about it, so they aren't willing to *see* if it'll work or
not.  It's much easier for them to set things up if they don't have to
experiment w/ (or know anything about) anything other than Windose. 
Besides that, they wouldn't want to make any claims if they're not
really *sure* they can back them (like "we support Linux!").  It's just
safer for a company to stick to what they know, even if the answers are
dangling in front of their face....  Besides, they've probably got a big
enough customer base just supporting windows...  Sad but true... 
Sometimes, I like giving cust. support (whenever I get ticked) a hard
time just to say "hey!, I want some help over here, and your company
doesn't give a rat's ass!"
Later, I feel bad, cuz it's just a CSR, but then again, talking to a VP
or something is impossible (voicemail, etc..), and they *really* don't
want to hear it anyway.  That's my "Deep Thought" for the night...

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