Thankyou for your email to Abuse.

Unfortunatly we are unable to block specific email that is addressed to
your account. The type of email you describe is commonly known as SPAM
(or UCE) and it is becomming quite a common problem on the Internet.

Spammers (as they are known) can get hold your email address from a
variety of sources, common ones are via Usenet postings, feedback forms,
web sites, chat forums, 'friends' distributing your address (either
knowingly or not) or, occasionally, via sophisticated search techniques.

Spammers also tend to share address lists and once your address becomes know,
the problem can begin to get out of hand with many unwanted emails from
a variety of sources and, advertsing a variety of services, arriving every
day. There are only normally three options in this case :-

1. Certain email clients such as Outlook have quite good 'junk mail' filters
   which you can set up to effectivly trash the junk mail as soon as it

2. You could complain to the *originating* ISP (Internet provider), although
   this can prove hard to trace and a waste of time depending on the ISP
   involved. Never reply to a 'Remove me from the list' address though, as
   this only confirms your working email address to the spammer!

3. Create a new account and cease using the one that is receiving the spam.
   Be extra careful where you then publish this new address. Try to use
   'throw away' accounts or email addresses for distribution into public
   forums such as Usenet.

It may be beneficial to you to download (for free) pop3 scantools from which allows you to manage your emails without
downloading or even reading them. Please note this is not a freeserve product
but one which has been recommended to me and may be of benefit to you.

If you need further advice on this matter you can either search the Internet,
contact your mail client vendor or your ISP's technical support desk.

I hope this information proves useful.


Planet Network Abuse Team

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