Not trying to get in the middle, but I believe that Linux will become
more main stream as time goes on. There are it seems, to be allot of
people writing software to make things more main stream. And if all of
you  remember (Those of you  who have been around for a bit). Microsoft
wasn't all that easy in the beginning. Back in the DOS days, you had to
use many different types of install programs. It all had to do with who
wrote the program. Some programs didn't come with an install. Also most
didn't come with to many device drivers, if it had any. As for what we
call .ini files, if the program had them you had to at times write the
text files yourself and then point to them from the program.

So if you compare MS to Linux in the same time frame, I would have to
say Linux is really surpassing MS

Also I don't think MS will go away. Some will like MS and some will like

Like years ago. Some like Telix and some like Procomm.


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