Dear Friends,

I am using Mandrake 6.0 (Venus) and I have installed the StarOffice5.1
in my computer. I am having two problems.
1) When I navigate through the StarOffice explorer, I only get to reach
/mnt (my point mounting files). I can't see any files under the /mnt
path. When I am out of StarOffice5.1, I can to see all the directories
and files under the windows98 partition. But under StarOffice, I can't.
A friend mine tryied an experience. He made a link with "ln -s
/mnt/win98 /win_C", and so I was able to see the files under
StarOffice5.1 in the windows partitions. But when I rebooted the
computer, I didn't get succeed longer. I already gave all the
permissions and even as superuser (root), I can't see the files in the
windows partition under StarOffice5.1.
2) I installed the jre1.1.7 in my computer and when I installed the
StarOffice5.1, despite I received the message that StarOffice has
reconized the Java ambient, when I open a site with aplets, I receive a
message telling me that the java is not installed.

I am a Brasilian guy and I beg your perdon for my poor english. 

    _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/  Prof. Antonio Carlos R. Nogueira,
Dr. Eng.
   _/           _/  _/  _/  _/       Departamento de Eng. Mecânica
  _/_/_/       _/  _/  _/  _/ UFSC   Universidade Federal de Santa
 _/           _/  _/  _/  _/         88.040-900 - Florianópolis - SC.
_/_/_/_/     _/  _/  _/  _/_/_/_/    BRASIL
                                             Phone: 55-48-331-9264
                                             Fax  : 55-48-234-1519

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