On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Jeremy Kersenbrock wrote:

> Season's Greetings!
> I'm considering setting up little LAN in my home and, since I'm completely
> inexperienced in networking, would like everyone's input regarding which NIC(s)
> to choose.  I am only in the planning stages and have no NICs or Hub. Here is my
> situation:
> 1 PC dual booting L-M6.0 and Win98 
> 1 PC with Win98
> Both PC's have more than 1 of each PCI and ISA slots open.  I intend to
> use the LAN for sharing files, and maybe the printer on the Win98-only PC if I
> can get Linux to do it.  I would also like to be able to share the modem (and
> therefore Internet connection) in the Dual-booting machine (preferably while its
> running Linux). Even though I only have 2 PC's, I want the abillity to easily
> expand (although I'm not likely to go beyond 4 systems), so I will be getting a
> hub in stead of using a crossover cable.
> Here are my questions: 
> (1)What would be easier to configure in Linux, a PCI or ISA NIC?  Remember, I
> will be installing a NIC in a machine that previously had none.

I prefer pci
> (2)Will 10-BASET be enough for me, or shall I aim for a 10/100 network?  

10 is "enough", but excess never hurts :) anything but the wallet that is

> (3)Is there any benefit to having identical NICs in all the PC's on a network?

Sure, you'll be familar with them all after your familar with one.

> Thanks for any info!
> Jeremy

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