On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Wade Buchanan wrote:
> >%_I just installed 6.1 Mandrake Linux on my laptop.  Installation was smooth
> and very nice.  I love the KDE environment.  I am having a problem getting
> my dialup to work.  I have a Global Village 56k modem.  The kppp
> configuration is setup, when I tell it to connect it dials, the ISP answers
> there are two sets of tones very long and drawn out and hangs on the tones
> then the modem will finally disconnect and say no carrier.  The ppp package
> is 2.3.8.  Has anyone ran into this problem and what do I do to fix it?  Do
> I need to get a new version of ppp or is it possibly a setting in the modem?
> I tried to modify the s11 register to speed up the connection, and this did
> increase the speed in which it dials, but it didn't seem to fix the tone
> negotiation of the connection.  Thoughts?

On my desktop system at home, when I set the modem volume to max, I
encounter the same symptoms as you do. When I set it to half or no
volume, it works fine on kppp.
See if this will help you.

 -- Ronald

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