On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Chris Cable wrote:
  |  Has anyone had problems with the first four icons on
  |  the home folder window toolbar appearing all blurry
  |  and distorted. When I exit X i get four error messages
  |  about not being able to load the icons. I'm using a
  |  mandrake 6.1 cd. Is this a video color problem or is
  |  something wrong with the actual install.
  |  any help is appreciated.
  |  thanks
  |  Chris Cable
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This has been covered and should be in the archives, but I'll do it again.
Sounds like a known bug. There is a conflict between the kcmclock and kdelibs
packages. To work around this problem, remove the kcmclock package, then
re-install the kdelibs package. You can use either the command line rpm
utility, or kpackage in the KDE desktop to complete this task.

IIRC the command to remove kcmclock would be

        rpm -e kcmclock

and the command to install the kdelibs package would be

rpm -Uvh /<CD-mount-folder>/Mandrake/RPMS/kdelibs-<version-number>mdk.i586.rpm



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