I tried to setup telnet before and it seems that there is a bug in the fix
for telnet client and server update, if you download all the updates for
mandrake, either that I' going crazy?!  See before I downloaded all the
updates and one of the things on the list was telnet.....   After a while I
had to re-install mandrake (cause of so major problems installing)  after I
did this telnet magicaly worked again! So when I installed the updates
again I didn't install telnet....  anyways that's not my problem....

Anyone know where to get a program that can keep a static connection
alive?  Other that what I doing now

ping <nameserver> -i 15

this is the command that I typing now to keep my cable modem from going in
some sort of standby mode, it the new Terayon modem which I heard really
suck in the first place....

Second is my sound card.....

I have a AWE32 PnP ISA card that just simply will not work with my nic..
have compiled a new kernel to support both of them but as soon as I put my
Sound card in the box and boot up again, neither the nic or the sound card
work.... tried to setup the sound card in setup, but still the damn thing
will not work, and having no sound on my system is like having no ears!

Last but not least, netscrape seem to have very very small fonts, tried to
set my own but, some sites that I goto, I can't even read anything on the
screen, even at two inches from the monitor!  Go firgure!

Other than that LINUX IS AWSOME!!!


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