
My nfs problems are driving me crazy.  I have a network of three Linux
machines: weaver, ripley, jonesy.  Everything was working fine before
y2k.  Since y2k, weaver refuses to export its partition.  Whenever I try
to 'mount -a' on ripley or jonesy, I get the error:

mount: weaver:/sigourney failed, reason given by server: Permission

And when this happens, this entry gets written in weaver's

Jan  3 20:22:04 weaver mountd[426]: refused mount request from ripley:
no export entry

I have all three machines defined in /etc/hosts.  I can ftp, telnet,
ping between all three machines just fine, using either their names or
local IP addresses.  ripley and jonesy are able to export their
partitions to weaver.  Why is weaver not exporting its partition
/sigourney?  I have the following /etc/exports on weaver:

/sigourney              (rw)

ripley and jonesy have these lines in their /etc/fstab:

weaver:/sigourney       /sigourney              nfs     defaults

I've tried manually stopping and restarting nfs on weaver.  I do an
'exportfs' on weaver after starting nfs.  Nothing works.  I thought it
really might be a y2k problem.  So I flashed the bios, and then
completely reinstalled Mandrake 6.1 on weaver.  What am I missing here? 


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