On Wed, 05 Jan 2000, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
  |  "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." wrote:
  |  > 
  |  > Nope! I'm with Mike. Ya gotta take care of the kids first. At least that's how
  |  > we do it here at my house.
  |  > 
  |  > Just lettin ya know yer not alone, Mike!
  |  > 
  |  > Ernie   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  |  > 
  |  [snip]
  |  Hey guys....you're making sound as if I ignore my kids.  Not so!! 
  |  There's a six system peer-to-peer lan in our house.  The 15 year old has
  |  a PIII/500, the 17 year old a PII/233, the wife a Pentium MMX/200 and
  |  I've got...er...um...the other three systems :-)
  |  Alan

Not at all. It's just good to get a little less serious once in a while. We
have two machines here - youngest son (19) has a AMD k6-2 350 wh 20 Gig hd
home-brew (note me pat myself on the back - I showed him how to build his own
machine). I use my old AMD X5-133 wh 8Gig HD 486-style home-brew. Oldest son
(24) not interested in computers. He's my home improvement expert / painter.
Wife also not interested in Computers - she works for a bank and spends enough
time looking at a screen there - her words not mine <grin>. Youngest son also
has his own web page which is dedicated to Win31 and the Calmira shell et all.
Can ya see the proud Papa sittin here beamin and all?


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