
I am resending this note since I did not see it come thru the list. Please
excuse me if this is a repeat post.

I am having a terrible time installing. I have the macmillian package
(deluxe 6.5) I am trying to install to a gateway ppro 200 with a matrox
millenium card.  I have sent a note to the linuxcare people who are supposed
to support the macmillian distro but so far it has been a few days with no

I am unable to install/configure X. The first time I ran the install it
worked fine except I made some errors configuring my ethernet card which
caused the boot to take about 10 minutes. I then reinstalled to try to fix
this problem. Now when I run the Xconfigurator during install it refuses to
work. I can get to the point where I should see the xtest screen but it
indicates there is an error in my config and I need to repeat the process. I
have attempted reinstallation more than 6 times (I lost count) with no
better luck. I have tried many monitor and video settings with the same

I have tried to run startx after these failed installs and as you would
expect it complains about missing libraries such as libXmu.so.6 (or
something like that. That is from memory)

Can someone give me a hint or tell me how to manually install X?  I do have
a working command line box but it is sort of lacking :P

Thanks for any pointers.


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