First, what you did does not do it- it will set the second path
mentioned (after the double pipe: ||) only if "sbin" is not already in the
path.  To ensure this is in your path, add another line (below this first
one) like so:
  export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/netscape
Second, put this line at the bottom of /etc/profile to set it for all 

And by the way, a brand-new-shell IS started just by opening a new xterm.
There's no need to restart X.

-Matt Stegman

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Mike Ladwig wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > How do you set the path? I am using the bash shell.
> > I go into my .bashrc file and there is a line that looks like this:
> > 
> > echo $PATH|grep -q /sbin || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin/:/sbin/
> > 
> > then I add at the end of this line :/usr/local/netscape (I want netscape in
> > my local path)
> > 
> > I imagine this statement is making sure sbin is in my path, and it if isnt,
> > then it adds it ( I am not sure what the || means.. I imagine thats an or
> > command). But this doesnt work. I save the file, exit my xterm session,
> > restart another and /usr/local/netscape does not show up in my path.
> > 
> > Also this doesnt setup the global path so everyone will have this in their
> > path settings. Where do you set the global path at?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Scott
> -- 
>  Scott,
>    Are you also exiting X and logging back in ?  If all you do is edit the
> .bashrc and quit the xterm session.  Then open another xterm session your
> .bashrc doesn't get run.  Try going back to a login: then test your path. 
> After you log back in type "echo $PATH" (no quotes) to make sure it worked. 
> Hope this helps 
>  -[ Mike ]-

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