I have Win98 and Linux mandrake on one Hard drive. I am having trouble connecting Linux Mandrake to the Internet.
In Linux, I type in the following at the prompt.
lspci -v
I get a list of all my pci cards, and the one for my modem looks like this.
Communication Controller:Rockwell International:Unknown Device 1005 (rev01)
Subsystem:Unknown device 127a:1005
Flags:bus memory, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 11
Memory at e7000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable)
I/O ports at e400
Capabilities: [40] Power Management version 2
Ok, I got this far, what do I need to do next??
Thank you in advance for any help on this, I also have KPPP aready set up with my ISP account, I just can't get the modem to hook up.

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