Hi M.Tompson,

  Yes .. I know what you mean all to well.
 I tried it by picking Voodoo3 (Generic) 2D in
the mandrake card list. (I could not configure it.
for the reasons mentioned below.)

I also had the problem of the mouse grabbing the
upper right corner on "other" or whatever it is called,
when using XF86Setup.

 No matter what I did it would not stop doing it.
Well, I did the best I could, but was unable to
config some options. 

Later .. dl'ed the 3d drivers from 3dfx site
and tried to install them but it also failed.

 kpackage complaines about the drivers and somewhere
there is text about them not working well with 
mandrake 6.1. I've been trying to find the text
again, but have not found it as of yet.

I gave up on it for now, but may go back at it later
on. Just wanted to let you know the XF86Setup/mouse thing is
the same for me.

Card is Voodoo3-2000.



M Thompson wrote:
> >From the command line, try running the following:
> "XF86Configurator" without the quotes
> >From: John Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [newbie] Help. My screen is too big for my glass.  --  jrt
> >Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2000 21:56:01 -0500
> >
> >
> >I am in the process of replacing an ATI video card with a Voodoo 3.
> >
> >It is a two part process. First you get the 2D part working, the add
> >the 3D drivers. I'm part way through the first bit, but the screen size
> >at the lower resolutions (640x480 & 800x600) remains at 1024X768. When
> >you move the mouse to the edge of the monitor, the screen 'slides' off
> >to the side.
> >
> >I have read through the XF86Config man and there is no setting for
> >virtual screen size, and I can't think of any other place it may be
> >hidden. Please point me in the right direction.
> >
> >Thanx in advance.  John Turnbull
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