Paulus Hendarwan wrote:
> Dear Linuxers,
> I have installed Star Office v5.1 but StarOffice insists on registration
> key. I have already registered myself on Sun's site, but there is no
> registration key given to me until now. What should I do ?
> Thanks.
> Best Regards,
> Paulus Hendarwan

I have also installed star office .. This is what I had to do.

 If you got Star Office 51 with a key in a boxed (Mandrake power pack)
set like I did, just use that key/number  that came with it and select
"media key" and enter it.

 Now setup star office for online connection.  Connect and click on
the top selection to register. I had already dialed in with kppp. They
send you a customer number and new reg-number once the connection is
made.  Make sure the Stat Office button .. Online/Offline, is clicked
on .. in.

Enter yhe new numbers .. done. Registered.



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