Do you have the DNS (nameserver)?


Dave wrote:
> Hey all,
> (flame-retardent-comment: I looked through the HOW-TOs and the user guide,
> and the mailing list archive is unavailable right now.)
> Could anyone tell me what I should take from win98 to setup the network in
> linux?  I am running on a school network.
> So far I've written the following down and tried it in linux to no avail:
> ip
> subnet mask
> default gateway
> DHCP server (from winipcfg)
> I didn't think I used DHCP, since the install never recieved a reply...but I
> guess I could be wrong (happens enough;)).
> Sorry for the very stupid question...but I've copied everything I can think
> of from winipcfg and network control panel, and still no inet=(
> -Dave

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