I like the new installation, it's nice and easy (not that the text-based
installation was difficult), but I have a bit of a problem with choosing
packages in Expert mode.

A lot of times when I click on a + symbol to expand a category of packages, the
expanded stuff isn't visible.  I have to scroll down until it's off screen,
then back up, to make it visible.  Very annoying as I have to do this dozens of
times by the time I'm done with all the categories.

Of course, my real problem is that I never actually can get done with all the
categories.  After expanding/collapsing categories and choosing packages for 15
minutes, and not even being a third of the way through, I gave up and went back
to use Custom instead of Expert.  Choosing packages in that format just takes
WAY too long.  Also on a couple of occasions, after finishing choosing all the
packages I wanted in all of the subcategories of a large category, I
accidentally clicked on the name of the category instead of the symbol to
collapse it.  This caused ALL packages in the category to be chosen, so I had
to go through and pick the packages I wanted in that category all over again. 
VERY frustrating.

Could we have an optional package listing that just shows all of the packages
in alphabetical order, instead of categorized?  That way you just have one list
to go through, and no categories to expand/collapse.  It would be much faster,
especially to those who already know what they want.

In addition, it would be really nice if we could put a list of all the packages
we want into a text file, put the text file on the boot disk (is there room for
that?) or somewhere else where it could be read during install, and have the
installer optionally use that file to automatically select/deselect packages
depending on what's present in the file.

That would be especially useful if you already have the selection of packages
you want installed, and you want to reinstall for some reason (or do the same
install on another computer).  You could just do an rpm -qa > packagelist or
whatever to get the list of packages for the installer.


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