Okay, I'm having a couple odd minor problems with Pine, and a bigger problem
with procmail and/or postfix.

When running Pine in a terminal, I cannot highlight text with the mouse.  I
have this problem no matter which term I use (xterm, rxvt, konsole, etc.). 
This is a problem since sometimes I need to copy text from an E-mail and paste
it in a different program.

Also for some reason the text color in Pine isn't consistent.  I run my xterms
with a black background and gray text (I like it to look as much like the
console as possible), but when I run Pine in xterm it switches to bright white
text, and in rxvt it uses an ugly yellow-grayish color that I can't describe
very well.

More importantly, my procmail filters aren't working.  All my mail just
disappears (good thing I tested with fetchmail -k first!). :(  This is odd
because I actually got two different results in two different installs:

In the first install, I chose (using Custom option) an install size of 850MB. 
Several typical packages weren't install--it didn't install Pine, fetchmail, or
either MTA.  That was fine, I installed Pine, fetchmail, and postfix on my own.
 I WAS able to receive mail, and it filtered fine.  (I also kept my home
directory from M6.1, BTW.)  However, I could not SEND mail with postfix for
some reason.

In the second install, I chose a much larger install size, and I also first
renamed my home directory so I could start over with a fresh one and move over
old config files to the new one as needed (I like to do this sometime to purge
my home dir of config files for programs I don't use and make sure I'm
receiving any new changes to standard config files like .bashrc etc.)

I noticed postfix was installed instead of sendmail, which surprised me a bit
but was fine with me since it kept me from having to switch.  I can also send
mail with postfix now.

...But now my procmail filters aren't working and my mail just gets trashed if
I dare trying to receive it with fetchmail.  I have fetchmail, postfix, and
procmail installed, I moved over my .procmailrc to my new home directory and
made sure it was set world-readable.  What could I be missing?

Any help would be appreciated, I can't stand kmail anymore. :)


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