Ok, I've read so so many docs on installing progs, but I always seem to get 
one thing wrong, and I dont know what it is!??!!  I would be very geratful 
if someone could go over it, real easy, in a windows user (soon to be 
Xwindows user if I can get this!) sort of fashion...really s l o w, step by 
step, and really really easy!  The thing I find myself having the most 
trouble with is knowing what files to even download for a prog in the first 
place!!  Like Licq for example.  I go to www.linuxberg.com, check out the 
Icq for X11 page, and when I see the Licq download description, there's like 
6 different files!  I mean what's a binary and which one do I get, and do I 
get glibc or what??!  Geez!  I've read so much docs that say "get the 
source, and they ask for I binary get that...blah blah blah...over my 
head!!!"!!  So if you can help me please do, I'm sure I'm not the only one 
with this problem!


Jim Garner
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