
Still configuring (or trying to configure :-) ) my hardware in linux, i walk 
against another wall (why don't i buy normal hardware). I have to configure 
my sound card manually, and I think I am not far from the point of when it 
will work. But I can't load the sound module when I try to install/start it 
in the console, and a warning like 'device is busy'  or something is given. 
I think it has to do with the following.

During startup of Linux I get between all the beautifull [OK]'s still one 
[FAILED] that has to do with the sound module. And I want to get rid of it 
:-)). It just messes my screen and might hold me from configuring my sound 
card properly. Does someone know how remove the following message (not just 
by turning off my screen)? :

Loading module sound can't lokate module sound   [FAILED]

I think I have to prevent that it tries to load the module sound, in the 
current configuration.

If anyone can help, I'd be thankfull.
Tnx in advantage

Jacob alias BillyNoel
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