Bobby Welch wrote:
> Hello,
>  I would like for a user to be able to use the /usr/sbin/pppd command ..
> this is so that the user can
> connect to the internet via a modem using custum scripts.  Now .. when i
> am logged in as user and I
> issue the command ./usr/sbin/pppd i get the following error:  ./pppd:
> must be root to run ./pppd, since it
> is not setuid-root.  Now, i have tried giving the user permission to
> execute the pppd command using
> chmod 555 .. but I can still not execute the command as the user.  I

Hi Bobby,

so far I understand it,pppd must have root permissions when it is
So the "s" permission for pppd should be set.

Im not an expert,please look at,they
have detailled instructions,how to do this.



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