Hmm, that makes it a little more open as to what the problem might be.

If it were my box I would try the following (based on the assumption that
you are connected to the net with an ethernet interface):

1) see if I can ping my box locally to see if my interfaces are configured
ping (If it works means that your lo interface is working)
ping (If it works it PROBABLY means that your eth0
interface is working correctly)

2) see if I can ping my box externally to further see if my interfaces are
working properly
ping (If it works then your box is definitely visible
from the outside world)

3) see if inetd is running

ps -ef |grep inet
should result in a lines like:
root       435     1  0 Jan23 ?        00:00:01 inetd
root     28725 28349  0 14:31 pts/1    00:00:00 grep inet

4) see if the tcp_wrappers package is installed
this is the tcpd piece that you see in inetd.conf, do a man tcpd for more
info (if it's installed of course.)

rpm -qa |grep wrapper

Should result in something like:

5) try using tcpdump to see what your ethernet interface is actually seeing
when you telnet or ftp to it. This is a great tool. Reading the man page is
really useful for getting the most of it.
tcpdump -i eth0

6) beyond this I am not sure. Again if it were my box I would then start
looking for more answers on deja news and begin trying uninstalling and
re-installing packages right up to wiping out my box and re-installing from
scratch. (That would be absolute last straw however.)

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

Scott Petersen

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elvis Chen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 11:38 AM
> Subject: RE: [newbie] Mandrake7: security level 3 and
> ftp/telnet deamon
> hi Scott,
> yes, the necessary packages are installed, and I have
> verified that the
> correct binaries (as indicated by /etc/inetd.conf) are there as well.
> Still, telnet/ftp doesn't work in security level 3.
> thanx,
> On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Scott Petersen wrote:
> > If you don't get a line something like the following then
> you don't have the
> > telnet server installed and you won't be able to telnet to
> your box (this is
> > from a Mandrake 6.1 box YMMV):
> >
> > telnet-server-0.12-10mdk
> > > ftp server.  Accoring to /etc/inetd.conf, the lines for
> telnet/ftp are
> > > un-commented.  Under /usr/sbin, both in.telnetd and in.ftpd
> > > are present.

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