I used for connection on internet Kppp ,but Kppp not work  good!!
I open Kppp and click on connect and LINUX show me window with "sory,modem is busy" but my modem is not BUSY :-)))
I have conf. modem on /dev/ttyS2  { com 3 in Win98} what is bad ????  I used minicom  but minicom show me "modem is online . please hand -up  but I not make connection I only start minicom :-))
My sound card is CMI 8338 but this type is not suppord form Mandrake ,I check me sound card with sndconfig and LINUX show me no suppord CMI 8338 only CMI 8030 !! You have upgrade drivers for sound card CMI 8338 ????
                                  Thank you George

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