Check to see if there is nothing special in your /root/.bashrc or other scripts
executed when you log in.
Maybe there is something that disconnects you in these scripts.

Randall Randall wrote :
> Okay, got another issue, now. :)
> I'm trying to install a system without X,
> and have to go through and delete packages
> manually, in "expert" mode.  It claims to 
> be installing all the dependencies (including
> things I don't really want (like X libraries)
> but apparently MUST have.  Every time I give
> it a root password, and finish the installation,
> I can't login.  No matter how carefully I type,
> it says: Login Incorrect.  
> Here's the weird part: I can login fine as 
> another user, and use "su" to login as root,
> and it WORKS.  I just can't login initially
> as root.
> -- 
> Wolfkin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
> Crypto key:
> On a visible but distant shore, a new image of man;
> The shape of his own future, now in his own hands.-- Johnny Clegg.

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