Firstly, on two occasions I had the X server "stop seeing" the keyboard,
forcing me to save stuff and log off (using the mouse only -- tedious!) and
"restart X server". Eventually I tracked it down to being caused when I
attempt, in my normal user account, to obtain a KFE with root privileges
using kdesu. Strange.

Secondly, I was unexpectedly dumped to the KDM logic dialogue once, without
warning or apparent cause; fortunately, either I had no unsaved data or the
normal session close procedure occurred despite the obviously abnormal
nature of the login termination. No, I don't *think* I had done anything
unusual in the root console just beforehand to my other userid...

Thirdly, the k icon editor actually locked up the X server, forcing a cold
boot and causing some data loss (neither ctrl-alt-bksp nor ctrl-alt-del
worked). It started to spawn little dialogue boxes about some sort of
assert in an infinite loop. As a testament to the stability of the
underlying systems, the errant app had to spawn in the vicinity of 500 or
600 of the things before the X server bought it -- and it never swapped
once. I actually saw something similar happen in Windows once -- an errant
app decided what I meant when I tried to open a single file was to
sequentially open the ~40 or 50 files in the same directory with it.
Windows died in a very atrocious way at about the twentieth window open...

Fourthly -- how the heck do I configure 24bpp again? I had it at 24bpp
originally, but it spontaneously dropped to 8 one day and I can't find
anything that configures it -- I thought maybe something called
"xconfigurator" I'd seen mentioned somewhere, but no dice, it's absent on
my system. I figured maybe the KDE control panel replaces that, but it has
no settings for video resolution and other such boot options, unless maybe
they're in that root-only panel that I *think* is merely for configuring
the KDE login prompt...

   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."    -------------------------------------------------
        -- B. Mandelbrot  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_____________________ ____|________                          Paul Derbyshire
Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

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