Hi everyone,
           Thanks in advance to anyone that takes the time to read this.
I've exhausted my minimal linux support and haven't
been able to make headway at all with this problem. First let me give
you a little background about my relevant
system info. I'm running an AGP ATI XPert 128 16meg video card, and have
a generic monitor(no brand name
ANYWHERE) that will only do 640x480 res, but is SVGA. I'm
running(actually I've only gotten up to the installation
at this point) Mandrake 7.0. When I start up xwindows, my resolution
appears to be 640x480, as it should be, but
it appears to have about an inch on the top and bottom of my screen that
I cant see..namely the taskbar/menubar
functions in KDE..which make Xwin very unusable  I've chopped up my
config file so that it doesnt use virtual
resolution and ONLY has the modes in there that are 640x480..nothing
less and nothing higher, and yet it still does
this. I noticed that mandrake 7.0 is the first version to support my
particular video card. Could this be the reason?
Or is it my horrid monitor? Or just my newbieness?  If you've ever had
an experience like this please share your
findings with me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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